Governance and financials

Board of Directors

Finlay Sinclair
Finlay Sinclair
Board Chair, MCIP, RPP, Plan-it First Consultants Ltd
Dan Buchner_1
Daniel Buchner
Vice Chair, Chair of the Governance and Nominations Committee, Founder and Principal, praktikel
Joanne Archer
Joanne Archer
Board Secretary, RN, BTech, MA, CIC
James Leung
Board Treasurer, Chair of the Finance Committee, Director of Finance, Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia, CPA (CGA), FCCA (UK)

Members at Large

Karen Wanger
Dr. Karen Wanger
GP, Sea to Sky Corridor
Sara Maseko
Sara Maseko
Phillipa Carrie
Dr. Phillipa Carrie
Chiropractor, Cedar Coast Chiropractic
Kataneh Sherkat
Kataneh Sherkat
BCom, MBA, CPCC Director, Western Management Consultants
Sarah Sandusky
Sarah Sandusky
Merritt Chapter Coordinator, Rural and Remote Division of Family Practice
Dr. Kshitij Chawla
MD, FRCPC (Physiatry), FRCPC (Pain Medicine)
Aparna Kurl
Director of Government Relations, Rick Hansen Foundation
Joanne Jung_0
Joanne Jung
Pharmacy Practice Leader, Willis Towers Watson

Financial summary


2021 $
2020 $
Fundraising 2,159,676 1,625,597
    Corporate and other 765,752 175,114
    Government 1,228,921 1,357,256
    Individuals 21,100 20,645
    Programs and events 143,903 72,582
Interest 8,542 17,294
Government assistance 89,102
Other income 118,088 7,740
2,286,306 1,739,733


2021 $
2020 $
Communications 177,439 148,542
Education 858,206 543,954
Health system coordination 184,434 62,430
Operations 497,982 431,945
Research 33,370 35,786
Support services 536,754 520,254
2,288,185 1,742,911

Thank you to our donors

Ada Glustein

Andrew Lasko

Anita Meldrum

Ann M Sleeper

Anne Whyte

Aparna Kurl

BC Community Gaming

BC Ministry of Health

BC Ministry of Health,
Patients as Partners Initiative

Beca Espirito Santo

Bev J A Evanchu

Bob Seabrook

Brenda Poulton

Brigette Wilkins

Cameron Hussynec

Canada Helps

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Overdose and Emergency Response Centre

Canadian Pain & Regenerative Institute (CPRI)

Candace Parliament

Cara Rodrigues

Centre for Effective Practice

Clare Lakes

Clinton Wong

Curtis May

Daniel Buchner

Daniel Silveyra

Danielle Smeltzer

David Purser

Doctors of BC, Shared Care Committee

Dwayne Patmore

Elizabeth Ball

First West Foundation

Frances Jorgensen

Grant Parker

Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program


Innoweave, an initiative of The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation

Iris Davidson

Isabelle Bordage

Janice Muir

Jenneke Francke

Jennifer Ruth Wilson

Jese Wiens

Joanne Archer

Joanne Jung

Judy Frabotta

Julie Carlson

Karen Wanger

Karen Zawortny

Kataneh Sherkat

Kate Coey

Kellie Hudson

Ken Craig

Laura Garrett

Leanne Broughton

Leonard Terhoch

Linda Neumann

Lohn Foundation

Longhedge Foundation

Lorrie Brown

Lucy Turri

Lynda Darling

Malwinder Gill

Maria Hudspith

Maria Rentoria

Marta Taller

Martin Buck

Mary McLaughlin

Mathisen Family Private Foundation

Matt Smith

Meaghan Sutter

Michael and Nancy Czorny Charitable Trust

Michael Bruce

Michael Millman

Michael Negraeff

Mindset Social Innovation Foundation

Nancy Pryor

Northwest Pain Foundation

Pamela & David Carlson

Paolo Bramucci

Paul D Ross

PayPal Giving Fund

Peter and Shelagh Godsoe Family Foundation

Peter Joy

Philippa Carrie

Provincial Employees Community Service Fund

Ralph Guttman

Regan Flowers

Ross Soros

Samantha Page

Sandi Babins

Sandra Wilson

Sandra Witherspoon

Sara Maseko

Sarah Sandusky

Sheila Kennedy

Shelley van Hallem

Sherry J Hallson

Shim Won Lee

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Sophy Roberge

Sovereign Order of St. John Palliative Care Foundation

Sutherland Foundation

The Hamber Foundation

The Joseph Segal Family Foundation

The Zacks Family Charitable Foundation

Tom Berekoff

Tom Hoppe

Vancouver Coastal Health

Vancouver Foundation

Vicki Kendall

Wenda Nairn

Winifred (Betty) Harris

Additional thanks to donors who prefer to remain anonymous.