Board of Directors

Members at Large

Thank you to our outgoing board members
We are so grateful for the many contributions of our outgoing Board Members in 2022: Finlay Sinclair, Joanne Jung, Dan Buchner, Aparna Kurl, Dr. Karen Wanger, and Kataneh Sherkat. We would also like to say a special thank you to Sara Maseko, Joanne Archer, and Dr. Phillipa Carrie, who are leaving our board at our 2023 AGM after reaching their six-year term limits. All of these Board Members have made extraordinary contributions to our organization throughout the years, and held many roles including Board Treasurer, Board Secretary, Board Chair and Co-Chair, and Committee Member. Thanks to each of you for your dedication to Pain BC, and to improving the lives of people with pain. We are a stronger organization because of your commitment.
Financial summary
2022 $ |
2021 $ |
Fundraising | 2,565,903 | 2,159,676 |
Corporate, foundations and other | 735,860 | 765,752 |
Government | 1,422,652 | 1,228,921 |
Individuals | 78,531 | 21,100 |
Programs and events | 328,860 | 143,903 |
Interest | 7,485 | 8,542 |
Other income | 97,044 | 118,088 |
2,670,432 | 2,286,306 |
2022 $ |
2021 $ |
Communications | 232,948 | 177,439 |
Education | 1,032,963 | 858,206 |
Fund development | 95,282 | 96,199 |
Health system coordination | 97,996 | 184,434 |
Operations | 429,498 | 497,982 |
Research | 58,979 | 33,370 |
Support services | 721,941 | 536,754 |
2,669,607 | 2,288,185 | |
Thank you to our donors
Ada Glustein
Amanda MacNally
Andrea R Allegretto
Anita Meldrum
Ann M Sleeper
Aparna Kurl
Armando Vidana
Bev J A Evanchu
Brad Hargreaves
Caitlin Pritchard
Charlene Schiewe
Chris Rowe
Clare Lakes
Colleen Moser
Craig Godsoe & Charles Melanson
Curtis May
Dan Buchner
Daniel Silveyra
David Purser
Deborah Roitberg
Devan Reddy
Diane Turpin
Donna Pearn
Doug Ford
Dwayne Patmore
Emma Irwin
Emmanuel Abreu
Felicity Goldring
Frances Jorgensen
Gary A Sofko
Gillian Lauder
Grant Parker
Gregory Charchun
Gurkiran Sidhu
Gwen Yip
Iris Davidson
Jacquie Farris
James Leung
Janice Muir
Jason Roscoe
Jill Nickerson
Joan Bellamy
Joanne Jung
Joanne Archer
Jolene Foreman
Judy Frabotta
Julie Carlson
Karen Wanger
Kataneh Sherkat
Kate Kennedy
Katherine Marley
Keith Meldrum
Kellie Hudson
Ken Craig
Kim Stuart
Lana Cherris
Leah Chang
Linda Neumann
Lois Lane
Louise Malysh
Lynda Darling
Malwinder Gill
Marg Dorazio-Migliore
Maria Hudspith
Mark Pritchard
Marta Taller
Mary Robertson
Michael Negraeff
Michael Podolsky
Morris Mass
Norm Seifert
Norma Moor
Pamela Holmes
Patti Williams
Paul D Ross
Peter Joy
Philippa Carrie
Raj Mann
Ralph Guttman
Rebecca Whitley
Regan Flowers
Robert Markin
Robert Favaro
Rochelle Risman
Ross Soros
Ruth Borsook via The Benjamin Foundation
Samantha Page
Sandi Babins
Sandra Witherspoon
Sandy Smeenk
Sandy Ketler
Sara Maseko
Sarah Sandusky
Shelly Prosko
Sherry J Hallson
Shirley Sze
Shona McGlashan
Susan Greba
Tom Berekoff
Vicki Kendall
Violetta Price
Vivien V
Wenda Nairn
Winifred (Betty) Harris
BC Chiropractic Association
Canada Helps Giving Fund
Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR)
Canadian Pain & Regenerative Institute (CPRI)
Copperleaf Technologies Inc.
Doctors of BC, Shared Care Committee
Health Canada
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC)
Lohn Foundation
Longhedge Foundation
Michael and Nancy Czorny Charitable Trust
Mindset Social Innovation Foundation
Ministry of Health, Patients as Partners Initiative, Primary Care Division
Order of St. John Palliative Care (SOSJ)
PayPal Giving Fund Canada
Sam Sullivan Disability Foundation
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP)
The Hamber Foundation
The ILC Foundation
The Zacks Family Charitable Foundation
Additional thanks to donors and funders who prefer to remain anonymous.