Empowering people who live with pain to enhance well-being

Pain Support and Wellness Groups


meeting attendees

found the groups helpful for talking to others who understand

gained new skills
to manage pain

felt less alone
with pain

Pain Support and Wellness Group attendee

I can’t say enough positive things about the [Pain Support and Wellness Group] program, and other programs offered by Pain BC. Thank you for this service. It has really helped me cope with chronic pain. I don’t feel quite so alone.

Pain Support and Wellness Group attendee

I really enjoyed the [Pain Support and Wellness Group] session and was pleasantly surprised as this was my very first pain support group where I shared openly and honestly. I look forward to attending again.

Pain Support and Wellness Group attendee

I love how the groups moved to Zoom. As a person with chronic pain, it is challenging to commit to showing up in person every time. Online has made it very accessible and made it possible to attend after 2 years of wanting to. Last night I just signed up for a couple more. Thanks for all you do.

Pain Support Line



Coaching for Health



coaching sessions
Coaching for Health client

I was not sure how my pain management was going to be impacted by giving birth, so being connected to a coach helped me feel very supported, especially while navigating the uncertainty of a pandemic. It was [the coach’s] respectful, knowledgeable, empathetic, genuinely caring, and constant support and very ethical way of being that made this program so truly life changing for me.

Coaching for Health client

Since speaking with Pain BC’s coach on a weekly basis, I have regained my confidence, strength and courage to believe in myself again. Coaching has helped me look past my pain.

Harnessing the dedication of volunteers


Total Pain BC volunteers


Total volunteer hours contributed


Support Services volunteers


Working group members




Pain Support and Wellness Group facilitator

Being part of the [Pain Support and Wellness Group] facilitator team has really done more for me than I’ve done for others. This has truly been a gift to me.

Coaching for Health volunteer

This program is special and so valuable. I’m riding high after such a great call [with my client]. It has spurred me to take more courses to grow my skills. I want to do this every day!

Pain Support and Wellness Group facilitator

Volunteering for Pain BC has brought purpose to my life. I have met so many wonderful people – both my fellow co-facilitators, the staff of Pain BC and, last but not least, the people who attend the meetings. We learn from each other.

Developing new tools to support self-management

This past year we partnered with the BC Children’s Hospital’s Digital Lab to begin the development of a new and free online self-management course for people living with chronic pain. Course development is well under way and two stages of end-user research have been completed to inform the course’s design. The course will launch the course in Fall of 2021.

Funding for this project is provided by the Northwest Pain Foundation.


people with pain
gave input in the course


focus groups were held to
inform course development

Making Sense of Pain and Making Sense of Pain for Indigenous Peoples

In 2020, we continued offering Making Sense of Pain, a self-management class series designed for people with pain who also live in marginalized conditions. We delivered the program both in-person with strict COVID-19 safety protocols, and piloted online delivery of the class series.


sites offered the program


attendees at each session
Making Sense of Pain for Indigenous Peoples participant

During the low points in my week, when my pain is bad, I focus my attention on Thursday’s class. I breathe and feel joy and relief in my body. I feel the stamina and courage to keep going.