In 2022, we fostered pain research in several important ways: partnering on research projects as a collaborator, co-author, and knowledge mobilizer; supporting recruitment efforts for pain-related research studies; and co-leading patient engagement initiatives.

research partnerships
British Columbia
- Partnered on provincial research initiatives
- Collaborated with the InterCultural Online Health Network (iCON) for webinars and focus groups with Punjabi and Cantonese speakers; input is helping inform the cultural tailoring of Pain BC resources
- Advised BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)’s Prescribing Patterns Working Group to better understand the connections between pain, prescribed medications and overdose
- Partnered on national research initiatives including patient engagement through the Chronic Pain Network, the first Canadian pain research network
- Collaborated with researchers developing Power Over Pain, bilingual virtual resources for adults and youth living with pain
- Advised Partnership for the Engagement of Patients in Pain Research (PEPR), a research project that will create a national research hub focused on engagement of people who live with pain and multiple forms of marginalization
Social relations of power and experiences of pain for LGBTQ2S people
Emerging evidence indicates that lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2S) people experience intersecting forms of structural violence and a greater prevalence of painful medical conditions relative to cisgender and heterosexual people. These findings are part of a larger community-based qualitative study about lived experiences of chronic pain for people marginalized by diverse forms of structural violence in British Columbia, engaging Pain BC and researchers from the University of British Columbia and University of Victoria. The findings will be presented at the Sexuality and Social Work Conference in Scotland in July 2023.